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How to win at the Stock Market? It is a question asked by every judicious investor investor who considers the Stock Market not to be a lottery but a means to yielding a profit from his or her money. In order to profit, at least some research needs to be done, and we can say that there are basically two techniques or strategies which each correspond to a particular type of analysis of the market, and especially the evolution of quoted companies. The first, known as fundamental analysis, is a form of research where the aim is to learn what are called the fundamentals of the quoted companies. The fundamentals are the amounts of capital of the company, the profit and loss accounts, all the stockholders' equity ratios/debts, net income/sales, capital/total number of shares on the market, etc, thus what one can call financial analysis. The second strategy is known as graphical analysis, although is more usually called technical analysis which is based mainly on the study of charts of stock prices, and seeks to know what future stock prices will be and what movements will occur based upon the historical chart patterns, either over the long or short term. Today, given the often fast movements in world stock markets, technical analysis is regarded as effective for short and medium term analysis, and fundamental analysis for long and even very long-term Technical analysis is an effective technique: it can make it possible to predict with a high probability the evolution of a bull or bear market, a particular movement in on direction or another etc. It is the only option for those who invest in swing trading, that is to say, those who buy a stock or forex one day to resell it a few days later or, even more short term, for an investor in day trading, ie an investor who buys an stock or share and resells it the very same day. It is also arguably the only dependable possibility for speculating in short selling. This practice which consists in selling a stock or share first to buy it later, makes it possible to earn money in a bear market. It is risky, and definitely not an advisable method of investment for beginners, but when done well can be nicely profitable!
About the author:
Guy Poursin http://www.succes-bourse.com) ofers a system of Stock Market success.
Composed of five ebooks in three parts (1 - preconditions necessary, 2 - graphic analysis and 3 - warrants), the System of Stock Market Success is a simple method to benefit from the stock exchange, whether the market goes up or goes down.
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